Become a Friend of the Cancer Wellbeing Centre, and become a friend of ours.

Our Cancer Wellbeing centres offer the calm, friendly spaces people with cancer need. From talking therapies to coffee mornings and swimming sessions, they’re vital to our community.

But they day-to-day running of our centres relies on the kindness of people like you. Become a Friend of Ours and your regular donations will help give even more people living with cancer the space they need.

How will your regular donation to the Caner Centre Fund help us make a difference to those living with cancer across east Suffolk and north Essex?

  •           £5 could provide the creative materials used in a family support session with children of those affected by cancer 
  • £10 could enable the use of specialist aromatherapy oils in a complementary therapy treatment that supports a person with their individual wellbeing needs
  • £20 could enable someone feeling self-conscious after cancer surgery and / or treatment to join a swimming session with other people affected by cancer, helping them develop confidence.
  • £50 could enable a young person diagnosed with cancer to access vital emotional support in a way that is meaningful to them, and that helps them make choices that will positively impact their quality of life

In return for your regular gift, we will keep you up to date with activities at our centres, and let you know how your donation is helping to keep this service continue to support those who need them most. You will also receive a thank you letter from our Lead Cancer Nurse and a special edition pin badge. 

Sign up to make a regular gift and become a friend now