Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity has agreed to fund carefully selected care packages from Little Lifts for 2 years, thanks to generous donations. Graham (pictured below, centre), 75 from the East of England has shared the difference these boxes make and how he became involved with the Little Lifts Charity and now delivers boxes to your local hospitals. 

Graham lost both his wife and 31 year old daughter to breast cancer in the last 5 years, who were both Little Lifts beneficiaries. He now volunteers at Littles Lifts, helping with delivering boxes to local hospitals. 

Graham's wife Natalie was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 and died in 2019. Graham was with her when she received her Little Lifts Box from her doctor, whilst undergoing chemotherapy. Two years later, in June 2021, Graham's daughter Alice had her first baby, Reuben. Whilst trying to establish breastfeeding, she experienced unusual pains and was diagnosed with stage 4 triple negative breast cancer in September 2021. She was given twelve months to live. 

Graham lost Alice in September 2022. She had received both a Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy Box from Little Lifts during her treatment. In April of that year, Graham wrote to Oa, Founder of Little Lifts, to say thank you for the boxes that his wife and daughter received and to ask if there was anything he could do to say thank you and give back to the charity that had supported his family. Graham now delivers boxes to hospitals across the East of England, including Colchester and Ipswich Hospital. 

"The Little Lifts Boxes are so useful, appropriate and welcome. They do what they say on the tin - giving a lift to people and brightening their day during a difficult time."

Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity works closely with Little Lifts to ensure patients across East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust can benefit from these care packages. Thanks to your generous donations we are able to fund Little Lifts boxes for our breast cancer patients for the next 2 years. 

"I am delighted to see radiotherapy patients receive such thoughtful goodies, this is both a comfort and a much-appreciated little lift at a difficult time." Lisa Mann, Radiotherapy Specialist.

If you would like to make a donation to help take care of patients at your local hospitals and healthcare centres please click the link below. You will be providing those extras that go above and beyond what the NHS can provide, and which make such a difference to health and healing. 
