Thanks to your generosity, many thousands of people, from the tiniest of babies to the oldest in our community, benefit each year from the improvements we make to their care.

There is still so much more to do and as technology and medical knowledge advances we must ensure that East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust is able to remain at the forefront of medical care.

To make this happen we need your help. Your support, big or small, can change lives and your kindness is sincerely appreciated.

Remember to add Gift Aid

gift-aidHowever you pay in your donation or fundraising monies, if you are a UK taxpayer your donation can go a lot further at no cost to you
through Gift Aid. Please complete the gift aid form and forward with your donation or tick the box if donating online.


We take great care to ensure donations are directed to the department, ward or appeal that you choose. Please ensure you provide this information with your gift. Where none is specified your generous donation will be used for the benefit of the General Fund.


Giving online is 100% secure and the easiest way to make and manage your donations. You can make either a one-off or regular donation or pay in your fundraising/sponsorship monies online using a credit or debit card.


In person

Visit one of our cashiers to donate cash, cheques or CAF vouchers from 10.00am to 4.00pm, Monday to Friday (closed for lunch 12.30pm to 1.00pm).

Please inform the cashier that it is a charitable donation and the ward or department that it is intended to benefit.

At Colchester Hospital the General Office is located near the main entrance.

At Ipswich Hospital the General Office is located near the South entrance.

By post

To make a donation by cheque or CAF voucher, please make it payable to ‘Colchester & Ipswich Hospitals Charity’ and send it to Charity Office, North Zone, Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, Ipswich IP4 5PD.

Please indicate the ward or department that it is intended to benefit.

On a ward

Ward staff can accept donations and have special donation envelopes for you to use.


Please contact the charity team on 0300 770 1369 to pay by BACS.